Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design

Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design

It is a two-year postgraduate program in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, specializing in Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design. This program aims to provide education to students in both advanced manufacturing techniques and specialized topics in mechanical systems design. Advanced manufacturing encompasses a diverse array of cutting-edge methodologies, including additive manufacturing (AM), robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and digital twin technologies. These innovations have revolutionized traditional manufacturing processes by enabling rapid prototyping, customization, and decentralized production. In parallel, mechanical systems design has evolved to meet the dynamic demands of modern industries. Engineers are increasingly leveraging advanced computational tools, such as finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and multi-body dynamics (MBD), to optimize the performance, reliability, and sustainability of mechanical systems. Concurrently, there is a growing emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, with designers, engineers, and data scientists working together to leverage the power of data- driven insights.n.

Dr. R.G. Pungle

Our Vision
  • To mold and create proficient mechanical engineers who are globally competitive, morally sound, and socially responsible.
Our Mission
  • To provide modern and advanced technical infrastructure for the academic and technical growth of students in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • To create an enriched academic and congenial environment where students are motivated to acquire the best learning experience.
  • To offer the necessary facilities and environment for fostering intellectual, moral, and social democracy for the overall development of students.
  • CAD/CAM Lab - Center of Excellence
  • Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Metrology & Mechanical Measurement
  • Fluid Mechanics & Machines
  • Theory of Machines
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Automatic Control System